Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Bankruptcy Can Stop Bill Collectors in Richmond VA

If you are drowning in bills and debt you are not alone. The average household credit card debt in the United States is approximately $16,048.  The average credit card debt in Virginia is $6,494. Your bills and debt may not even be from credit card. Bills and debt can stack up for many reasons including hospital bills or loss of work. No matter what your situation is a bankruptcy can be an option to stop bill collectors and wage garnishment.

At the Clinger Law Firm, we are experienced bankruptcy attorneys in Richmond, VA. Our law firm has over 30 years experience in providing debt relief to consumers. The goal of our blog is to give general information about bankruptcy in Richmond, VA. If you are considering filing a bankruptcy; we can provide you with a FREE initial consultation with one of our bankruptcy attorneys. Call the Clinger Law Firm at (804) 788-1655.